The project aims to chart the process of tourniquet application: what do peope actually do when they are asked to use a tourniquet, without having prior education or practice in applying one? The use of four different tourniquets will be investigated. The task analysis is followed by an error analysis, which aims to uncover different types of errors that people can make during the process of tourniquet application. The project work is part of project Utväg B that investigates how the public should be educated in and informed on first aid measures that help to stop massive bleedings. The analyses will show the kind of problems or questions that can arise when laypersons use a tourniquet to stop a bleeding, and therefore the analyses can instruct how guidelines and educational concepts in bleeding control should be developed.
The human factors-track of the programme in cognitive science deals a lot with safe systems. In health care, systems should be as safe as possible, and as a cognitive scientist it comes rather naturally to work within crisis and disaster medicine within the health care system.