
The Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology

National Research Center for Traumatology assigned by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare

Education and Simulation

Research in the Focus Area “Education and Simulation” aims at developing and evaluating the use of simulation for training of medical practitioners, preparedness assessment of organizations and modelling of proposed interventions. Aims are also to develop knowledge and models about teaching in crisis and disaster management, workplace education that promotes  emergency prepardness among staff and within hospital organisations, and public education that promotes emergency prepardness within the population of Östergötland. The aim is also to support teachers at the Centre for Distaster Medicine and Traumatology in methods of teaching and development of courses. In addition, the focus area works on developing online methods for creating learning communities, aimed at increasning emergency prepardness within municipalities, regions and authorities.

Coordinator for focus area ‘Education and Simulation’
is Dr Lars Kåreklint.

