
The Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology

National Research Center for Traumatology assigned by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare

Bachelor/Master student project reports


Ivarsson, Cecilia. Strengthen the Ability to Act: Exploration of Needs for an Effective Chain of Trauma Care from a Total Defense Perspective.

Ehrling, Stella. Investigating the design features for cognitive support in mass casualty triage: Developing a design for a cognitive tool to support decision-making.

Karlströmer, Victor. Recommendations for the Educational Concept of Sweden’s National Pre-Hospital Mass Casualty Triage System: Insights From Thematic Analysis and Comparative Literature Review in Cognitive Science.


Norrblom, Petter. Improving the public’s ability to find publicly placed bleeding control kits: The effect of signage and bleeding control kit placement.


Lindhagen, Alva. A guide to novel instructors in Emergo Train System®

Brodin, Wilhelm. The effect of cold exposure on tourniquet application ability: the effect of cold hand-skin temperatures on medical laypeople’s ability to apply a tourniquet.

Iversen, Katarina. Representing uncertainty analyses: Proposing guidelines for the design and presentation of representations of uncertainty analyses for position estimations in crime scene visualizations.

Lindberg, Johanna. Cancer Health Care in Region Östergötland – An Activity Theoretical Perspective.

Savander, Alma. Användbarheten av Folkhälsomyndighetens enkät Hälsa på Lika Villkor: läsbarheten och användarupplevelsen ur unga vuxnas perspektiv.

Waernér, Markus. Omvärldsanalys av samhällskritisk verksamhet, en tillämpad studie på Katastrofmedicinskt centrum.


Björnqvist, Anton. The Time Before a Crisis: An evaluation of Region Östergötland’s pre-crisis phase before the COVID-19 pandemic.


Lundberg, Molly. Error Identification in Tourniquet Use: Error analysis of tourniquet use in trained and untrained populations.

Emanuelsson, Kajsa. Examining factors for low use behavior of Advanced Driving Assistance Systems.

Laine, Rickard. To drone, or not to drone: A qualitative study in how and when information from UxV should be distributed in rescue missions at sea.

Halvorsen, Ludvig. Digitaliseringens möjligheter för katastrofala simuleringsövningar:: Designkoncept för kollaborativt lärande med digitala simuleringsverktyg inom katastrofmedicin.

Samuelsson, Emma. Using activity theory to describe patient safety: How Region Östergötland supports patient safety development in a low and middle-income country’s healthcare system.


Friberg, Marc. Examining the Effects of Stress on Tourniquet Application in a Layperson and Professional Civilian Population.

Budgifvars, Clara. Emergo Train System®: En anpassning till polisens verksamhet.

Löf, Carolina. Att mäta stress: Adaptering och validering av Dundee Stress State Questionnaire.

Herrera Velaquez, Mateo. Uncertainties in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: An interview and questionnaire-based study.

Åkerstedt, Zandra. Guided reflection in Simulator-Based Crisis Management Training: Examining the possibility to implement After Action Reviews in the CCRAAAFFFTING project.


Lantz Cronqvist, Mattias. Development and initial validation of a stochastic discrete event simulation to assess disaster preparedness.

Hägg, Veronica. Investigating the Use of Indicators for Cooperation at Incident Scenes.


Norén, Caroline. Visuell uppmärksamhet vid skadeplatser: en jämförelsestudie mellan experter och noviser.


Jansson, Ove. Using social network analysis as a tool to create and compare mental models.
