The research program Accident Site of the Future aims to develop technology and methodology to ensure efficient and effective emergency response to potential accidents in the future. It is a multidisciplinary research program that is led by the Center for Advanced Research in Emergency Response (CARER) at Linköping University.
The project will study the accident and incident scenes of tomorrow through a variety of perspectives and disciplines, such as economics, informatics, computer science, logistics, cognitive science, disaster medicine, traumatology, law, political science and gender studies. This collaboration accounts for many of the cross-disciplinary research projects at KMC, where researchers from other disciplines has been recruited to participate in projects aiming to develop trauma care. Similarly, KMC researchers have had the opportunity to inject trauma and healthcare perspectives in other projects. The CARER network of researchers can serve as external advisors to address complex research issues, in cases where KMC lacks sufficient expertise in-house.
Contact: Erik Prytz & Carl-Oscar Jonson